Monday, September 24, 2007


Hacker’s from the facts from the movie and in my opinion are there people and teens how have nothing to do and just want to see what they stir up as well people who are trying to hack into people with a lot of money so they can get a peice of the pie.

Hacker's can hack all sort of things but the main and most know hack's are if you are on the internet and the hack into your computer or your files that can contain alot of information about you and your econoimc status.

in my opinion i think that the hacker's are serving both good as well as bad and the reason for that is with all the work they put into hacking we someone gets caught they can explain there process and that can geek's or people who try to to put out hacking programs to help prevent hacking.

if ever been hacked you should go straight to the police and then call your local area computer store and take your pc in for checks.

The local FBI #312-421-6700

IC3 is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime.

in the artcile that was asign it was pretty much saying that what we do or do on the computer their are and can be cookies to watch everthing and save everthing that we are doing and that can be hack in as well just as easy if your are in the internet.

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